Alexei Makushinsky

schriftsteller, dichter, essayist



ПPresentation of my book "The Steamboat to Argentina" on the exhibition of intellectual literature "non/fiction № 16"

Алексей Макушинский

On December 26 the opening of the 16th International fair of intellecual literature "non/fiction" took place. 

On the same day I presented on this exhibition my book "The Steamboat to Argentina". My literary agent Evgeniya Vezhlyan spoken about me and my works. I read some chapters from the novel.

After this meeting there was autograph session on the stend of the ECSMO publishing house.

Thanks to everybody who was there!

Some photos from the meeting.


Алексей Макушинский   Алексей Макушинский


Алексей Макушинский Алексей Макушинский



© Alexei Makushinsky, 2015-2023
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